According to statistics, potency problems occur every three men after 40 years. Decreased sexual activity occurs due to age-related changes, inadequate lifestyle, physical and emotional stress, genital area diseases. But drug treatment is not mandatory for all men. Low potency negatively affects a man's psycho-emotional state, but don't panic. There are ways to quickly improve your erection at home. Let's consider them.
The first way is physical activity to increase and strengthen sexual activity in men. Exercise can naturally and safely increase erection in men, improve health and strengthen the male body.
A step-by-step set of daily exercises:

The repetition rate of exercises is individual based on physical abilities. The regularity of its implementation is encouraged.
gymnastics for power
The second way is to improve potency in men of any age by training the PC muscle at home. It is located in men from the pubic bone to the coccyx and supports the anus and internal organs, preventing their prolapse. Technique: Sitting in a chair with your back straight and muscles relaxed, tilt your head back slightly and close your eyes. Then slowly tense the muscle and hold the tension for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Make at least 10 approaches three times a day, gradually increasing the load. Gymnastics can be done lying on your back with your legs slightly apart or standing up.
How to eat to increase potency
The third way to increase potency and libido is proper nutrition. Foods that stimulate male sexuality (aphrodisiac foods) should be included in a man's daily diet.
Herbal Products:
- Peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds - increase potency.
- Parsley, cilantro, spinach, celery - increases testosterone production, increases potency.
- Citrus fruits - increase potency and libido, activate testosterone production.
- Pomegranate is a strong male pathogen that improves erection.
- Fig - has a beneficial effect on the duration of an erection, restores strength, increases potency.
- Turnip - increases potency, awakens sexual desire.
- Onion and Garlic - Increase potency and sexual activity in men. Onion improves spermatogenesis and garlic is a powerful male aphrodisiac.

The basis of male nutrition is meat, without animal proteins, testosterone production and good potency are impossible. A good way to increase your erection before intimate contact is to eat 3 g of boiled camel stomach.
Seafood (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, etc. ) and oily marine fish can help improve erections in men. It is useful to eat boiled mackerel, not only increases potency but also promotes conception.
Men need to eat cheese, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese and other dairy products every day. Milk protein is one of the main stimulants in the production of testosterone (male hormone). Chicken and quail eggs help to prolong sexual intercourse, restore potency.
Chocolate is a sweet aphrodisiac, it contains chemical elements that increase sexual desire. Phenylphetamine affects the nerve centers in the brain responsible for pleasure. Tryptophan increases sexual arousal. Anandamide is euphoric and sensitizing. Theobromine improves mood.
Honey is a medicinal aphrodisiac, it contains zinc, necessary for the production of testosterone (male hormone). Honey restores the functions of the male reproductive system, improves spermatogenesis and prevents diseases of the genitourinary system. To maintain potency and sexual health, doctors advise eating nuts, lemons, ginseng flower and honey.

Drinks to increase erection
The fourth way to increase erections in men is to drink. Green tea helps restore erection; ginseng or ginger root is added. Freshly squeezed celery and carrot juices, mixed in equal proportions, are an effective cocktail for increasing male sexual activity. Erectile function is improved by a cocktail of quail eggs with tomato paste and milk: in 500 ml of warm milk add 20 g of tomato paste and 2 quail eggs, salt, pepper and spices to taste. Blend the ingredients in a blender, the cocktail is ready.
Aphrodisiacs to increase male potency are also found in alcoholic beverages. Absinthe is considered exciting and mulled wine is fast acting. Fennel tincture and egg liqueur help to increase potency in men. The main thing is not to exaggerate and not to exaggerate.
What else can you strengthen potency?
The fifth way to restore potency in men is a contrast bath. Pouring from the shower, alternating between hot and cold water. The procedure has an overall strengthening effect on the male body, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, relieves spasms and improves mood.
The sixth way to increase potency is therapeutic baths. To increase potency in men, it is helpful to bathe with bay leaves. To prepare a bath, chamomile flowers (100 g) are pre-fermented with three liters of boiling water in an enamel bowl and infused for 20 minutes. Then we boil a bay leaf (5-6 pcs. ) in water for 5 minutes, pour a bath and add the chamomile infusion and the broth to the warm water. A man needs to shower every night for 30 minutes.

One way to increase potency is to use ice in the form of cold packs.
The seventh way to increase potency is the use of ice, which helps to increase potency in men. The ice is wrapped in gauze folded into several layers and used as a cold compress, applied to parts of the man's body for 2-3 seconds. They start at the top of the head, then work their way down to the neck, chest, abdomen, scrotum.
Eighth way - folk remedies to increase potency. Consider proven recipes:
- The plant's pollen to increase potency in men is an effective product in the fight against male impotence. It increases sexual activity, restores the male reproductive system and improves sperm quality. A single serving is half a teaspoon, consumed twice a day. The course of pollen treatment is 2 weeks.
- Infusion of asparagus to increase potency: pour 10 berries of the plant with boiling water (400 ml), close the container and let it steep for 6-8 hours. The tincture is used 3 times a day, 50 ml. The course duration is 2 weeks. For infusion, use the dried and pre-crushed roots of the plant. Fruits and roots are used in a ratio of 1: 1.
- Nuts and honey are consumed in equal proportions. Grind the walnuts, add honey and mix well. The remedy is taken 20 minutes after a meal, washed down with milk. Take 2 teaspoons twice a day. The course duration is 1 month.
- To increase potency, onions are eaten raw or an infusion of 2-3 onions is prepared. They are crushed, poured into warm water (400 ml) and left to brew for 3-4 hours. The recommended single dosage is 100 ml. The frequency of use is 3-4 times a day. Onion has a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improves spermatogenesis and increases potency in men.
- Medicinal lung to increase potency in men. Take 10 g of dried herbs and pour in a glass of boiling water, let it steep for 1 hour, then filter and use to treat male impotence. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Lungwort is used as a salad dressing.
modern drugs for men
The ninth way to increase potency is by stimulating drugs. Drugs that increase potency in men are available in the following forms:
- Injection solutions.
- Pills.
- Means for external use (ointment, balm, spray, gel).
The composition of men's preparations includes plant extracts to increase potency. External agents dilate the vessels in the penis and stimulate sexual desire, they are used immediately before intercourse.
The tenth method is correct and useful for men. In order to obtain positive results in the treatment of impotence, it is important that men get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get an erection again in 1 day, you must think in advance about the health and prevention of men, combining methods to increase potency. Outdoor activities, sports, proper nutrition, and a good mood help maintain male strength into old age.
Potency is extremely important for men of any age. Not only does sex life depend on this, but so does the functioning of many systems in the body: endocrine, urinary and genital.
Potency problems can start in men after age 40. How critical it will be depends on the man's health and his genetic predisposition. Furthermore, nutrition, quality of life and ecology are of great importance. It is in every man's power to increase potency using additional methods.
Ways to increase power
With the development of medicine, men have many ways to increase potency. Also, don't forget popular recipes that have been proven for years.
- Potency deteriorates due to hormonal changes. Male hormones are highly dependent on the foods they eat. So the first thing to do is establish nutrition.
- In addition, it is necessary to consume vitamins that stimulate the production of male hormones: zinc, phosphorus, vitamin E
- Medicines can be used. They have different compositions. Some are based on plant complexes, while others are based on chemical elements. These medications should be used after consulting a physician.
- Folk Remedies. For a long time, people have wondered how to increase male potency. Therefore, many folk recipes have come down to our time.
- With massages and special exercises, sexual function can also be improved.
- There are additional medical procedures that a physician may prescribe in case of decreased potency.

Factors that negatively affect male potency
Before boosting power in other ways, you need to brag about the causes of the problem. There are several common factors that negatively affect potency:
- Age-Related Body Changes
- Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
- overweight
- irregular sex life
- Chronic diseases (urinary, endocrine or cardiovascular systems)
- Prejudice
- Steroid use in sports
- The use of certain medications
- Stress and mental illness.
Only after identifying one of the factors can you deal with the problem of impaired power.
Preparations to increase potency
There are several medications that can restore male potency. Some of them are only intended to increase potency, and some for additional stimulation of sexual desire.
To improve potency, the first group of drugs is recommended. Firstly, they have a longer effect (up to 24 hours) and secondly, they don't overload the nervous system. These medications contain the substance yohimbine or cantharidine.
Sometimes there is an additional herbal complex. The action of the drugs aims to improve blood supply to the genitals, vasodilate and reduce muscle tissue spasm. Drugs to increase potency can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Power increased at age 60
The main reason for potency deterioration at this age is age-related changes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to prolong potency into old age. By age 60, hormone production declines, the blood supply deteriorates, and the ability of cells to regenerate declines. But with the help of drugs, exercise and stimulant products, man can prolong the youth of the reproductive system.
Potency increased in men after 50
After 50 years, every man who cares about the quality of his sex life must reconsider the quality of his life. Even if there are no issues with potency yet, you need to take a set of measures to keep your youth up:
- Healthy lifestyle. 50 is the age when it's time to quit smoking.
- Exercise. If you've never played sports before, it's time to start exercising and jogging.
- Lose those extra pounds. Excess weight not only impairs potency, but also negatively affects all internal organs.
- prepare your meals
- Don't be nervous about problems at work or in your personal life. If necessary, consult a psychologist.
- have a regular sex life
- Be in a good mood, feel the joy of each day lived

Power-boosting products
Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting the production of male hormones. There are several products that have a stimulating effect on the male reproductive system. They act as aphrodisiacs - natural pathogens that increase potency.
- Nuts: walnuts, pistachios and almonds
- Grenade
- Onion and garlic
- Chicken eggs
- Rye bread
- pumpkin seeds
- Nettle
- Fermented dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese and kefir
- Fish products, especially mackerel
- Seafood: mussels, shrimp and crabs
- Foods containing omega-3 and omega-6 fats: olive oil and flaxseed oil, fish oil
- Vegetables: celery and spinach
- All kinds of spices: pepper, ginger, cloves, cinnamon

Popular remedies to increase potency
In folk medicine, there are many recipes to increase potency. The most popular are:
- Medicinal herbs that improve potency: nettle, thyme, ginseng and calamus. The nettle can be eaten or used to prepare a decoction. To prepare the broth, you need to place the nettle leaves in boiling water. So, take the medicine before meals. A thyme decoction can not only improve potency but also deal with prostate disease. You can make thyme herbal tea
- Ginseng has long been considered a natural aphrodisiac. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from it. To increase potency, I also use the roots of the calamus plant. Curing broth is prepared from them.
- A mixture of honey, carrot juice, ginger and walnuts has a positive effect on the male reproductive system. Chop the walnuts, grate the carrots and mix all the ingredients. Dry and fresh ginger can be used
- White wine can stimulate sexual desire and restore potency. However, no more than 100 grams should be consumed.
- Beet, onion and asparagus salad. All ingredients listed have a positive effect on male potency.
- In addition, traditional healers recommend eating a handful of nuts daily with a glass of milk to improve potency.
- Eleutherococcus extract is a natural pathogen. It can be purchased at any pharmacy and consumed according to instructions.

Ginger to increase potency
Ginger root has a stimulating effect on sexual activity, improves metabolism and blood circulation. In addition, ginger is a delicious condiment that can be added to tea and a wide variety of dishes. You can use fresh or powdered ginger root. Here are some dishes where it is appropriate to add this spice:
- In baked goods, ginger adds flavor and bitterness. To keep bitterness to a minimum, add dry ginger. The most popular dish is gingerbread.
- Ginger is used to marinate meat and chicken. To make the ginger marinade, mix in the soy sauce, grated ginger, garlic and spices to taste.
- Furthermore, this seasoning is added when preparing fish and seafood dishes.
- Ginger can be used to make delicious tea. Ginger is especially combined with honey. Furthermore, honey and ginger are two of the most important products to improve potency.

Dye to increase potency
- Nightshade tincture. To prepare this dye, the leaves of the plant are used. They are dried and served with vodka (2 tablespoons of 0, 5 liters of vodka). The tincture should be left for a week in a dark place, stirring occasionally, then straining and applying 10 drops three times a day.
- An effective remedy is tincture of garlic. For its preparation, rub in garlic, sprinkle with vodka and insist
- Ginseng is the best medicine to increase potency. There are ready-made tinctures of this medicinal plant in the pharmacy.
- Also, for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, nettle, calamus and thyme are used.
Power increase recipes
There are several recipes for delicious and at the same time healthy dishes that can increase potency.
- Egg, green onion and cheese salad. All these products have a positive effect on male potency.
- Beet, celery and carrot salad
- Vitamin Bar: Grind walnuts, almonds, raisins and dried apricots in a blender. Spread the mixture evenly over the parchment paper and refrigerate. Then cut into portions
- Green tea with ginger and honey. Add a few slices of fresh ginger to regular tea and replace the sugar with a teaspoon of honey

Herbs to increase potency
Many popular recipes are based on the use of medicinal herbs. They are used to prepare herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions. Before using any of the herbs, you should consult your doctor. Many herbs are not compatible with some chronic illnesses and some may be allergic. List of herbs that can normalize male potency:
- Nettle
- Thyme
- Belladonna
- male orchis
- rue
- Rosemary
Massage and exercises to increase potency
Potency can be improved not only by chemical and biological effects, but also through exercise and massage.
- Chinese medicine claims that there are special points in the human body by massaging which you can improve potency. These points are located on the hands, feet and back. For a more precise effect, acupuncture is used. These procedures must be performed by an experienced specialist.
- Furthermore, erotic massage has a positive effect. In that case, there must be complete relaxation and trust in the partner.
- Some doctors recommend prostate massage to improve potency. This massage can be done independently, after guidance from a urologist. Although many men neglect this procedure, prostate massage not only improves potency but also prevents prostatitis.
- Exercise can also improve potency. First, they improve blood circulation and help you lose weight, and second, they provide activity and optimism.
- There is no need to panic when potency deteriorates. All biological processes can be adjusted
- Treatment may take time, please be patient.
- There is no need to abandon personal life and intimate relationships due to potency issues.
- Eliminate factors that affect your health
- Cook healthy food, get enough sleep and don't be nervous about trifles.
- Medications don't need to be taken very often. They can only be a helper method.
- Don't delay visiting your doctor. He will be able to quickly discover the problem and prescribe treatment.

russian sauna
The Russian bath is a proven method in the fight against potency. There are known cases where several sessions of the Russian bath helped people to increase their sexual activity.
Sailors who sailed for a long time, especially before their long voyages, would sit for hours in the bathhouse. Thanks to this method, their sexual energy was preserved and they were able to survive the long absence of stress-free sex.
But today it is very rare to find a man in the bathtub. And in vain, because the bath has a fruitful effect on many human organs. But in order not to harm other organs, for example the heart, you should not go to the bath more than three times a week.
When visiting a bath, you need to follow these tips:
contrast baths
One of the good methods for dealing with power is a contrast shower. This procedure is able to relax a person. To boost potency, you need to add bay leaves to the water.
You can discover the rest of the secrets of unforgettable sex on our portal pages.
The water temperature should look something like this:
For the procedure to be effective, you need to continually change from cold to hot water. To do this, you need to sit in a container of water one by one - it's best to bring pots. The procedure should start with a hot bowl. You need to "sit" in a bowl for at most one minute. You need to make ten approaches. If you perform this procedure regularly, you need to constantly increase the temperature difference, gradually, by one to two degrees a day.
Ways to quickly increase power at home
Potency can be restored quickly only if it is not caused by physiological dysfunctions. The following rules will help to increase potency in men before a date:
- Proper nutrition. How to increase potency at home with nutrition? It's very simple if you give up unhealthy foods and include seafood, nuts, honey, spicy foods, vegetables, and fruits in the diet.
- Relaxation. Take a short break during the day. A short sleep has a good effect on increasing power. After a lot of work, just take a nap for about 15 minutes, and the body will regain its strength.
- Physical exercises . If you need to quickly increase potency and strengthen the male body, you must bring physical activity into your life. When playing sports, the production of sex hormones increases.
- Cold and hot shower. The fastest rise in testosterone levels is achieved this way. A state of shock causes the body to vigorously produce sex hormones.
If a man gets used to a healthy lifestyle, he won't have to wonder how to quickly restore an erection. All of our actions are reflected in the state of the body, and before drinking alcohol, you should think about what is most important: a short-term improvement in mood or health.